DevPod vs. GitPod

Hrittik Roy
Minute Read

DevPod allows dev teams to take full control over their dev environments, without being locked into a specific provider. Developers can write code in any language, and run it anywhere. For example, they can test on virtual machines, or code in Python with VS Code running on Docker Desktop, or in Go running in EKS. If the provider they need doesn’t exist, they can build it.

Compared to GitPod:

  • DevPod does not require any signup
  • Open-Source: DevPod is 100% open-source and extensible. A provider doesn’t exist? Just create your own.
  • Client-only: No need to install a server backend. DevPod runs solely on your computer.
  • Cross IDE support: VS Code and the full JetBrains suite is supported. Other IDEs can be connected through ssh.
  • Rich feature set: DevPod already supports prebuilds, auto inactivity shutdown, git & docker credentials sync, with many more features to come.
  • Check out the full comparison below:

    Feature DevPod GitPod
    Platform Type Self-hosted SaaS + Self-hosted
    Cost Pay for cloud Pay GitPod
    Self-hosting Yes Paid
    Signup Required No Yes
    Client Side Yes No
    Open source Yes Yes + Commercial
    Auto inactivity shutdown Yes Yes
    Prebuilds Supported Supported
    Environment build tool API calls on Cloud VM, Containers on Kubernetes and Docker Docker Container on GCP
    Raw pre-configured VMs Yes No
    Terraform required No No
    Command line access Yes Yes
    Internet access required No Yes
    Existing Kubernetes clusters Supported Not supported
    Existing machines with SSH Supported Not supported
    Try in seconds (cloud) Yes Yes (Managed)
    Try in seconds (laptop) Yes No
    Support for multiple languages Yes Yes
    Support for new cloud providers by community Yes No
    GPUs in workspaces Yes No
    Devcontainers support Yes No
    Multi Devcontainers support for mono repo Yes No
    Security isolation Unopinionated Opinionated
    Customization High Low
    Audit log Yes No
    VS Code IDE support Yes Yes
    Jupyter notebook support Yes No
    JetBrains Fleets support Yes No
    JetBrains IDE support through Gateway Yes Yes
    Desktop application Yes No
    Any SCM provider Yes No
    GitHub Integration Yes Yes
    GitLab Integration Yes Yes
    Bitbucket Integration Yes Yes
    Azure DevOps Yes No

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