Hands-on Introduction to jsPolicy with Rawkode

Rich Burroughs
Minute Read

Recently I had the chance to appear on another episode of Rawkode Live with Loft Labs CEO Lukas Gentele, talking about jsPolicy. If you're not familiar with it, jsPolicy is a policy framework for Kubernetes that allows you to write policies using JavaScript or TypeScript.

David Flanagan, AKA Rawkode, is the show's host, and it's very hands-on. David picks up tools like a new user would, using the quickstarts, docs, and other available information, but he also has folks who make the tools there to add color. I think it's a great format, and I loved seeing him use jsPolicy for the first time.

I think this is especially worth watching if you've struggled with the complexity of Open Policy Agent or had trouble with its language, Rego.

You can watch below. Check out David's YouTube for a lot more great cloud native content. Thanks David for having us on your stream again.

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