Learn About Kubernetes and Cloud Native on Cloudnative.tv

Rich Burroughs
Minute Read

The CNCF created a Twitch channel called Cloudnative.tv for coverage of KubeCon EU 2021. Now the channel is launching ten new streaming shows about Kubernetes and other Cloud Native technologies. You can read about the lineup in the CNCF’s announcement.

All of these shows look fantastic. I’m already regretting that I probably won’t have time to watch them all. But I want to point out a few that I’m incredibly excited about.

This Week in Cloud Native with Duffie Cooley

I was so happy to see this in my Twitter feed today:

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Duffie is one of my favorite people in the Kubernetes community. He’s working at Isovalent now, but while he was at VMware, he was one of the hosts of the fantastic TGIK stream. I expect he’ll be bringing a lot of that same great energy to this show, where he’ll be talking about news and new projects in the cloud native ecosystem.

Duffie was one of the early guests on my podcast Kube Cuddle. If you are also a fan of him, you should check that episode out.

Fields Tested with Kaslin Fields

It was great to see that several of the shows on the schedule aim to explore the many projects in the CNCF landscape. Some of the shows are intros to tools or discussions with maintainers, but it sounds like Kaslin will be rolling up her sleeves and digging into projects more. Here’s how she described the show on Twitter.

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I think this is such a great idea for a show. I’m stoked to see more hands-on looks at some projects that I haven’t had a chance to play with myself.

Spotlight Live with Dan Pop

Dan AKA POP has been hosting his podcast The POPCAST for a while now. His new show on Cloutnative.tv is described as live interviews with people from the Kubernetes community, including project maintainers, SIG members, and folks from the CNCF. I talked to Dan recently about his show, and I think we have a pretty similar approach to interviewing. While the technology we work with is very cool (and there are many shows on the schedule about technologies), I love hearing about the people in the community. I think Dan’s show will be a great way to learn more about some of those folks that you see on Twitter or speaking at KubeCon.

The Rest of the Lineup

It was hard to pick just a few shows to highlight because they all sound like they will be great. Anaïs Urlichs and Kat Cosgrove are both hosting shows with more of a project focus. David McKay (AKA Rawkode) is hosting a show on contributing. Saiyam Pathak is looking at certifications, like the CKA and CKAD. Leonardo Murillo is focusing on LatinX folks in the cloud native community, and Tim Banks is interviewing BIPOC, LGBTQ+, and other folks from underrepresented groups. Matt Stratton is hosting a game show called CNCFaceOff, where folks from cloud native projects will face off Family Feud style, which sounds like it may be the most Matt Stratton thing ever. I can't wait.

I’m very impressed with the quality of the hosts and the variety of the programming in this lineup. There’s lots to watch here, and I hope to catch some episodes of all of these shows.

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