vcluster on Containers from the Couch

Rich Burroughs
Minute Read

Have you heard about virtual Kubernetes clusters? Would you like to learn more about them? Loft Labs CEO Lukas Gentele and I recently joined Justin Garrison and Jimmy Ray from the AWS team for one of their Containers from the Couch streams to talk about vcluster.

If you’re new to vcluster, it’s an open source tool that lets you create and manage virtual Kubernetes clusters. A virtual cluster runs within a namespace on a shared host cluster but appears to the user like it’s their own dedicated cluster. This pattern makes it easy to share clusters for things like dev environments or Continuous Integration while avoiding some of the pain of Kubernetes multi-tenancy.

Thanks so much to Justin and Jimmy for having us on. They asked great questions, and so did the folks watching the stream. There’s also a detailed demo if you haven’t seen vcluster at work.

You can watch below. Note that there were some audio problem in the first couple of minutes but they were straightened out quickly.

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Photo by Martin Péchy on Unsplash

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