What a RUSH! vcluster chatter at KubeCon

Lian Li
Minute Read

What an exciting time we had at Detroit! As we are a completely remote team, KubeCon is one of the rare opportunities when we can get the whole team together. But this time, we had even more to celebrate because the air was positively abuzz with love for vcluster.

vcluster is a tool that enables lightweight virtual Kubernetes clusters, which can live on any Kubernetes cluster. With virtual clusters, multiple tenants can share the same underlying cluster while being isolated from each other. Virtual clusters are fast to spin up, quick to tear down, and cheap to operate compared to regular full-fledged Kubernetes clusters,

Since vcluster entered the scene over a year ago, we have seen a good deal of adoption at mid-sized businesses and enterprise level organizations alike. This KubeCon, we were excited to hear about our user’s stories and experiences.

The week kicked off with co-located events, one of them being GitOpsCon. Adobe’s Mike Tougeron showcased their CI/CD pipeline, in which ArgoCD leverages Cluster API to create ephemeral virtual clusters for testing PRs, all of which are fully automated with the use of Argo Workflows.

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Mike’s talk was a prequel to the Adobe KubeCon Quadrilogy, four talks showcasing Adobe’s approach to implementing secure multi-tenancy and GitOps at scale. In “How Adobe Planned for Scale with ArgoCD, ClusterAPI and vcluster,” Adobe’s Joseph Sandoval and CodeFresh’s Dan Garfield took us on a journey, from Adobe’s old CI/CD flow to the architecture Mike showed us at GitOpsCon. It tied up the week neatly.

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And as if this wasn’t enough, vcluster was even featured in a keynote! Whitney Lee and Mauricio Salatino from VMWare introduced developer platforms and how they can not only increase delivery speed, but also provide a self-service layer for developers. After spinning up a development environment with Crossplane and vcluster, Mauricio demonstrated how to connect to the newly created cluster and deploy changes to it with the help of a Knative function. In less than 10 minutes, the code change moves past dev and straight into production, live before our eyes.

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All that’s left to say is a huge thank you to the fantastic speakers for showing their love for vcluster and sharing their knowledge. We can’t for all the exciting stories and cast studies the next KubeCon in Amsterdam will bring.

Do you have any interesting, exciting, or hilarious uses for vcluster? Let us know by joining our Slack or hit us up on twitter! We are always interested to hear from our users.

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