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Version: 1.15

Uninstalling Loft

Delete Helm Release

helm delete -n loft loft

Please make sure you also uninstall kiosk, if you have connected the loft cluster:

helm delete -n loft kiosk

Delete Namespace (optional)

kubectl delete ns loft

If you have deleted the namespace without deleting the loft and kiosk helm releases beforehand, please make sure the api-services and webhooks are deleted correctly:

# loft api service and webhook
kubectl delete apiservice
kubectl delete validatingwebhookconfiguration loft

# kiosk api service and webhook
kubectl delete apiservice
kubectl delete validatingwebhookconfiguration kiosk

Delete CRDs (optional)

kubectl api-resources --api-group='' -o name | xargs kubectl delete crd

Delete kiosk resources (such as accounts, templates, templateinstances):

kubectl api-resources --api-group='' -o name | xargs kubectl delete crd
Data Loss

Deleting the Loft CRDs will also remove all Loft objects inside your cluster, e.g. Cluster, Team, and User. This cannot be undone.

Delete Admin Password (optional)

The password that was set to the admin user is encrypted and stored in a Kubernetes secret that has the name loft-user-secret-admin and not deleted if you are deleting the helm chart. To delete this, you have to manually run the following command:

kubectl delete secret loft-user-secret-admin -n loft