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Version: 1.15

Config Reference

Config Reference for the Loft config that can be found in the Loft UI at Admin > Config.

# Authentication Options for loft
# Tell loft to allow OIDC for authentication
# IssuerURL is the URL the provider signs ID Tokens as.
# ClientID the JWT must be issued for, the "sub" field.
clientId: my-client
# ClientSecret to issue tokens from the OIDC provider
clientSecret: my-client-secret
# Callback URL in the form of https://your-loft-domain/auth/oidc/callback
# (Optional) Path to a PEM encoded root certificate of the provider.
caFile: /tmp/ca-file.crt
# (Optional) Specify whether to communicate without validating SSL certificates
insecureCa: false
# (Optional) UsernameClaim is the JWT field to use as the user's username.
# If not set defaults to email.
usernameClaim: email
# (Optional) If specified, causes claims mapping to username to be prefix with
# the provided value.
usernamePrefix: my-prefix-
# (Optional) If specified, causes the OIDCAuthenticator to try to populate the user's
# groups with an ID Token field.
groupsClaim: groups
# (Optional) If specified, causes claims mapping to group names to be prefixed with the
# value.
groupsPrefix: group-prefix-
# (Optional) If groups is non empty, access is denied if the user is not part of at least one
# of the specified groups.
groups: ["my-oidc-group"]
# (Optional) If specified, tells the OIDCAuthenticator to try to populate the user's
# information from the UserInfo. This might be necessary for slim tokens such as used
# by Okta
getUserInfo: false
# (Optional) Cluster Account Templates that will be automatically added for new users
# logging in through this authentication
# The name of the cluster account template
- name: my-cluster-account-template
sync: true
# (Optional) A mapping between groups and cluster account templates.
# If the user has a certain group, the cluster account template
# will be added during creation
# Name of the group from the token
- group: my-group
# Names of the cluster account templates to apply
- name: my-cluster-account-template
sync: true
# Tell loft to use github authentication
# ClientID of the github application
clientId: my-client
# ClientSecret of the github application
clientSecret: my-client-secret
# Callback URL in the form of https://your-loft-domain/auth/github/callback
# (Optional) Loft queries the following organizations for group information.
# Group claims are formatted as "(org):(team)".
# For example if a user is part of the "engineering" team of the "coreos"
# org, the group claim would include "coreos:engineering".
# If orgs are specified in the config then user MUST be a member of at least one
# of the specified orgs to authenticate with loft.
# Organization name in github (not slug, full name)
- name: My Organization
# (Optional) Names of teams in a github organization. A user will be able to
# authenticate if they are members of at least one of these teams.
- myteam
# (Optional) Required ONLY for GitHub Enterprise.
# This is the Hostname of the GitHub Enterprise account listed on the
# management console.
# (Optional) Required ONLY for GitHub Enterprise.
# Used to support self-signed or untrusted CA root certificates.
rootCA: /certs/
# (Optional) Cluster Account templates that will get applied to new users
# Check auth.oidc for more details.
clusterAccountTemplates: ...
groupClusterAccountTemplates: ...
# Tell loft to use gitlab authentication
# ClientID for the gitlab authentication
clientId: my-client
# ClientSecret for the gitlab authentication
clientSecret: my-client-secret
# Callback URL in the form of https://your-loft-domain/auth/gitlab/callback
# (Optional) BaseURL of the gitlab instance,
# default =
# (Optional) Optional groups whitelist, communicated through the "groups" scope.
# If groups is omitted, all of the user's GitLab groups are returned.
# If groups is provided, this acts as a whitelist - only the user's GitLab
# groups that are in the configured groups below will go into the groups claim.
# Conversely, if the user is not in any of the configured groups, the user will
# not be authenticated.
- my-group
# (Optional) Cluster Account templates that will get applied to new users
# Check auth.oidc for more details.
clusterAccountTemplates: ...
groupClusterAccountTemplates: ...
# Tell loft to use google authentication
# ClientID for the google authentication
clientId: my-client
# ClientSecret for the google authentication
clientSecret: my-client-secret
# Callback URL in the form of https://your-loft-domain/auth/google/callback
# (Optional) defaults to "profile" and "email"
scopes: ["profile", "email"]
# (Optional) list of whitelisted domains. If this field is nonempty,
# only users from a listed domain will be allowed to log in
hostedDomains: []
# (Optional) list of whitelisted groups. If this field is nonempty,
# only users from a listed group will be allowed to log in
groups: []
# (Optional) path to service account json. If nonempty,
# and groups claim is made, will use authentication from file to
# check groups with the admin directory api
serviceAccountFilePath: /path/to/service/account.json
# (Optional) Required if serviceAccountFilePath is set. The email of
# a GSuite super user which the service account will impersonate
# when listing groups
# (Optional) Cluster Account templates that will get applied to new users
# Check auth.oidc for more details.
clusterAccountTemplates: ...
groupClusterAccountTemplates: ...
# Tell loft to use microsoft authentication
# ClientID of the microsoft application.
clientId: my-client
# ClientSecret of the microsoft application
clientSecret: my-client-secret
# Callback URL in the form of https://your-loft-domain/auth/microsoft/callback
# (Optional) tenant configuration parameter controls what kinds of accounts
# may be authenticated in loft. By default, all types of Microsoft
# accounts (consumers and organizations) can authenticate in loft via Microsoft.
# To change this, set the tenant parameter to one of the following:
# common - both personal and business accounts can authenticate via Microsoft (default)
# consumers - only personal accounts can authenticate in loft
# organizations - only business/school accounts can authenticate in loft
# 'tenant uuid' or 'tenant name' - only accounts belonging to specific tenant
# identified by either 'tenant uuid' or 'tenant name' can authenticate in loft
tenant: common
# (Optional) It is possible to require a user to be a member of a particular
# group in order to be successfully authenticated in loft.
groups: []
# (Optional) Configuration option restricts the list to include only security groups.
# By default all groups (security, Office 365, mailing lists) are included.
onlySecurityGroups: false
# (Optional) Restrict the groups claims to include only the user’s groups
# that are in the configured groups
useGroupsAsWhitelist: false
# (Optional) Cluster Account templates that will get applied to new users
# Check auth.oidc for more details.
clusterAccountTemplates: ...
groupClusterAccountTemplates: ...
# Tell loft to disable password authentication
# Whether password authentication should be disabled
disabled: false
# Use loft as an OIDC Provider. If enabled you can use loft to login to services
# that allow logging in through an OIDC provider (e.g. Harbor or Kubernetes)
# If this feature should be enabled
enabled: false
# The OIDC clients that are allowed to request tokens from loft
# Name of the client
- name: my-client
# The id of the client
clientId: my-client-id
# The secret of the client
clientSecret: my-client-secret
# When loft is presented with a redirect URL, the url must match one of these
- https://my-site/oidc/redirect
# Specify additional app repositories and custom predefined apps. The predefined apps
# are displayed in Spaces > Apps. After you change something here, loft will recrawl
# all repositories and show them in the Apps views. Please be patient, this can take
# some time.
# If this option is true, loft will not parse any default repositories
noDefault: false
# Additional repositories that should be parsed. Not affected by the noDefault option
# The name of the repository. Charts will be shown as name/chart in the UI
- name: repo
# The url to the repository. The index.yaml will be appended automatically
# The username of the repository. If prefixed with $ indicates an environment variable
username: $USERNAME
# The password of the repository. If prefixed with $ indicates an environment variable
password: $PASSWORD
# If the repository TLS should be verified
insecure: false
# Predefined Apps that are configured here will be displayed in the in the Spaces > Apps view
# Repo name and chart name of the helm chart to deploy
- chart: repo/chart
# (Optional) Title is the name that should be displayed for the predefined app.
# If empty the chart name is used.
title: my-custom-app
# (Optional) The version that should be preselected in the create app drawer
initialVersion: 0.0.1
# (Optional) Values that should be prefilled when selecting the app. Several place holders can
# be used that will be replaced by loft:
# - ${"${}"} -> The current hostname (${})
# - ${"${loft.cluster}"} -> The name of the cluster
# - ${"${}"} -> The name of the space / namespace
# - ${"${loft.user}"} -> The name of the user
initialValues: >
host: ${"${}"}
# (Optional) iconUrl specifies an url to the icon that should be displayed for this app.
# If none is specified the icon from the chart metadata is used.
# (Optional) readmeUrl specifies an url to the readme page of this predefined app.
# If empty an url will be constructed to artifact hub.
# (Optional) Cluster names in which the predefined app should be displayed under Space > Apps.
# If ommitted it is shown in all clusters
- my-local-cluster
# Loft auditing provides a security-relevant, chronological set of records documenting the sequence
# of actions in a cluster. Every action targeting the loft management API, that is forwarded to
# a connected kubernetes cluster or targets a virtual cluster is audited and recorded.
# Loft audits the activities generated by users and by applications that use loft kubernetes contexts.
# Whether auditing should be enabled
enabled: true
# The path where to save the audit log files. This is required if auditing is enabled. Backup log files will
# be retained in the same directory.
path: /tmp/audit.log
# The audit policy to use and log requests. By default loft will not log anything. The policy structure
# is the same as a kubernetes audit policy.
# See also:
# rules specify the audit Level a request should be recorded at.
# A request may match multiple rules, in which case the FIRST matching rule is used.
# The default audit level is None, but can be overridden by a catch-all rule at the end of the list.
# PolicyRules are strictly ordered.
# The Level that requests matching this rule are recorded at.
# The available levels are: None, Metadata, Request & RequestResponse
level: None
# (Optional) The users (by authenticated user name) this rule applies to.
# An empty list implies every user.
users: []
# (Optional) The user groups this rule applies to. A user is considered matching
# if it is a member of any of the UserGroups.
# An empty list implies every user group.
userGroups: []
# (Optional) The verbs that match this rule.
# An empty list implies every verb.
verbs: ["create", "update"]

# Rules can apply to API resources (such as "pods" or "secrets"),
# non-resource URL paths (such as "/api"), or neither, but not both.
# If neither is specified, the rule is treated as a default for all URLs.

# (Optional) Resources that this rule matches. An empty list implies all kinds in all API groups.
resources: ["pods"]
# (Optional) Namespaces that this rule matches.
# The empty string "" matches non-namespaced resources.
# An empty list implies every namespace.
namespaces: []

# (Optional) NonResourceURLs is a set of URL paths that should be audited.
# *s are allowed, but only as the full, final step in the path.
nonResourceURLs: []

# (Optional) OmitStages is a list of stages for which no events are created. Note that this can also
# be specified policy wide in which case the union of both are omitted.
# An empty list means no restrictions will apply.
omitStages: []

# (Optional) RequestTargets is a list of request targets for which events are created.
# An empty list implies every request.
requestTargets: ["Management", "Cluster", "VCluster"]

# (Optional) Clusters that this rule matches. Only applies to cluster requests.
# If this is set, no events for non-cluster requests will be created.
# An empty list means no restrictions will apply.
clusters: ["my-connected-cluster"]
# omitStages is a list of stages for which no events are created. Note that this can also
# be specified per rule in which case the union of both are omitted.
omitStages: ["RequestReceived", "ResponseComplete", "Panic"]
# (Optional) MaxAge is the maximum number of days to retain old log files based on the timestamp
# encoded in their filename.
maxAge: 0
# (Optional) MaxBackups is the maximum number of old log files to retain.
maxBackups: 0
# (Optional) MaxSize is the maximum size in megabytes of the log file before it gets rotated.
# It defaults to 100 megabytes.
maxSize: 0