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Version: master

Command - loft reset password

Resets the password of a user


loft reset password [flags]
################## loft reset password ##################

Resets the password of a user.

loft reset password
loft reset password --user admin


      --create            Creates the user if it does not exist
--force If user had no password will create one
-h, --help help for password
--password string The new password to use
--user string The name of the user to reset the password (default "admin")

Global & Inherited Flags

      --config string       The loft config to use (will be created if it does not exist) (default "$HOME/.loft/config.json")
--debug Prints additional log messages to the output. Useful for debugging.
--log-output string The log format to use. Can be either plain, raw or json (default "plain")
--silent Run in silent mode and prevents any loft log output except panics & fatals